Framed Canvas

from $66.00

Framed Canvases add a contemporary flair to our wall art offers. Printed canvas material is mounted on a hard backing board and then inset into our framing. The frame is 1.25" deep and the frame face is 0.25", the canvas is inset 0.25" all around for a clean and elegant look.

Available Options:

  • Sizes: 16" x 16", 24" x 24", 16" x 24", 24" x 36"

  • Frames are available in Black, White and Pecan Finish

Minimum Quantity: 1

Frame Size:
Frame Color:
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Framed Canvases add a contemporary flair to our wall art offers. Printed canvas material is mounted on a hard backing board and then inset into our framing. The frame is 1.25" deep and the frame face is 0.25", the canvas is inset 0.25" all around for a clean and elegant look.

Available Options:

  • Sizes: 16" x 16", 24" x 24", 16" x 24", 24" x 36"

  • Frames are available in Black, White and Pecan Finish

Minimum Quantity: 1

Framed Canvases add a contemporary flair to our wall art offers. Printed canvas material is mounted on a hard backing board and then inset into our framing. The frame is 1.25" deep and the frame face is 0.25", the canvas is inset 0.25" all around for a clean and elegant look.

Available Options:

  • Sizes: 16" x 16", 24" x 24", 16" x 24", 24" x 36"

  • Frames are available in Black, White and Pecan Finish

Minimum Quantity: 1


  • No design or set up fees

  • Made in house for fast turnaround

Art: .ai or .eps files are preferred. If these file types are not available a high resolution .jpg may be used. Artwork fees may apply if correct art is not provided. If you pay an artwork fee we will provide the assets to you at no additional cost. Artwork can be also emailed to

